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Lim Yi Xing
Hidayah Binti Mohd Fadzil


This research is driven due to significant role of textbooks possess in a country. The purpose of this study is to analyse the Malaysian Form Two Science textbook as this learning tool may acts as one of the reason that affects national Science education. The textbook was analysed based on content element adapted from Florida University Department of Education [FLDOE] (2015). Only four chapters from the theme ‘Energy and Sustainability of Life’ were analysed due to its physics related concepts which consider notoriously difficult for students (Oon & Subramaniam, 2011). This qualitative content analysis study found that all the requirements set by national syllabus were aligned with textbook. Other criteria were developed which were values and STEM careers. The values emerged were caring and patriotic aside from Science core values. Nevertheless, limited example of STEM careers and portrayal of caring and patriotism values found in the textbook which may result in lower efficiency of the objectives to be achieved in real life. Following the analysis, the treatment level or the complexity in the introduction chapter is generally consistent except for Chapter 8 (Force and Motion) as it demonstrates questions with lower order thinking skills (LOTS). There were also certain examples in the textbook were not further explained which shows insufficiency in its content. Meanwhile, the textbook does not consist of any error in scientific disciplines, however few inaccuracies were found in technical websites and language manner. These technical difficulties may affect classroom lessons while the grammatical errors may distort students’ language coherency.


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