Studies on essential oil and antibacterial activities from Elettariopsis smithiae aff. Kam.

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H. Anita'
A.M. Mustafa
H. Ibrahim'


The essential oil from Elettariopsis smithiae was prepared from fresh leaves, rhizomes and roots and the chemical components were determined by GC-MS. The main component of the root and rhizome was cis-p-ocimene. More than 20 compounds were detected from the leaves and the major components were found to be farnesal (28.62%) and cis, trans-farnesal (20.63%).


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How to Cite
Anita’, H., Mustafa, A., & Ibrahim’, H. (2000). Studies on essential oil and antibacterial activities from Elettariopsis smithiae aff. Kam. Malaysian Journal of Science, 19(1), 77–81. Retrieved from
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