A Token-Passing Variable Buffer Model For A Double-Layered Hierarchical WDM All-Optical Network

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Elok Robert Tee
A.K. Ramani
S. Selvakennedy


Presents a hierarchical all-optical network, employing wavelength division multiplexing for multiple channel transmission. A double-layered network with multiple sub-network implementation which provides for spatial wavelength reuse is considered. The piggybacked tokenpassing medium access protocol as a fair and noncontentious access scheme is studied for performance. The average delay in getting access to the network medium is determined from the semi-Markov process. The performance of the protocol model design with variable buffer sizes of the transmitter is analysed. It is shown from the double-layered hierarchical network that alternative route for data transmission can be implemented to improve on performance.


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How to Cite
Tee, E. R., Ramani, A., & Selvakennedy, S. (1997). A Token-Passing Variable Buffer Model For A Double-Layered Hierarchical WDM All-Optical Network. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 11(1), 41–50. Retrieved from https://juku.um.edu.my/index.php/MJCS/article/view/3215