Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) in Construction Cost Management: Obstacles and Strategies for Improvement


  • Umaira Husna Abdul Rahman Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Mohd Fairullazi Ayob Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


augmented reality, construction, cost management, mobile augmented reality


Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is a setting where digital information is viewed from a real-world perspective and is created using Augmented Reality (AR) that is integrated into a mobile application. AR is one of the emerging technologies in Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan (2021-2025) in Malaysia. Although many scholars have pointed out many benefits of MAR to the construction industry, nevertheless, the implementation of MAR practice with specific reference to cost management in the Malaysia construction industry is still at the rudimentary stage. Without MAR, professionals tend to rely on traditional technologies with limited real-time visualization, which can lead to data misunderstanding and decision-making delays. Besides, there will be a lost potential for early detection of cost overruns when MAR is not implemented in cost management. Hence, this paper is prepared to present the outcome of study on the identification of obstacles that can hinder the implementation of MAR practice, and suitable strategies for improving MAR with specific reference to the cost management practice in the construction industry. The study was designed with a qualitative research strategy that in compasses of semi-structured interview with seven (7) professionals that have established knowledge, skills, and experience in cost management. The interviewed data was analysed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis methods. The findings from the study have established that the financial issues such as high investment cost has been identified as a key obstacle that can hinder the MAR implementation in cost management practice. To overcome the limitations of MAR implementation, the study has identified several strategies that could be appropriate for the recommendations to improve the MAR practice in the construction industry. Providing financial support by the financial agencies is found to be the most effective strategy to enhance MAR implementation for cost management in the construction industry. Additionally, the research adds up to the body of knowledge on MAR implementation that can become significant input to enhance the cost management practice in Malaysia.


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